Asheville Food Buying Club
Here at Naturally Connected Life we support health through regional food systems and farms that promote nutrient dense food. The Asheville Food Buying Club is a local group that we coordinate to get high quality dairy, pasture raised meat, and much more.
Our membership currently offers buying options for Miller's Organic Farm and Simply Grass Fed (Burkes Garden Farms). We have bi-weekly food deliveries that take place at 4pm on Wednesdays. We hope to expand our buying club options in the coming months. If you have specific products you would like to see as part of the buying club then please let us know!
These are the price list and a brief description for each of our farms.
Miller's Organic Farm Price List
Miller's Organic Farm provides authentic farm fresh, nutrient dense, non GMO, chemical free, hormone free, antibiotic free, great tasting and truly organic food employing conscientious organic standards with traditional farming methods.
Our raw dairy comes from mostly A-2 breed Jersey cows that are strictly fed grass and hay. A free choice smorgasbord of minerals is supplemented to maintain a healthy balanced diet. The cows are fed no grain.
Simply Grass Fed (Burkes Garden Farms) Price List
All of our animals are raised on 100% chemical free, high altitude grasses. Our pigs, chickens, and turkeys have access to 600 acres of pasture year round, grubs, roots, bugs, and organic food scraps, only supplemented with a small amount of organic, non-GMO grains and mineral supplements. Our cows are grass-fed and grass finished. None of our animals receive any antibiotics, hormones, or vaccines.
Please note that each of these farms have different ordering requirements and you are required to pay a separate membership fee to each farm. Private Membership Associations (PMAs) provide legal protections to these farms and provide you with the highest quality product.
If you are interested in becoming part of the buying club please reach out to and indicate you are interested in joining the Asheville Buying Club.