Structural Correction

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Where you have pain is where your body is compensating for the real problem.

Bones go out of alignment in a direction your body cannot self-correct. For example, there are no muscles behind your spine that can pull your vertebrae back if they get moved forward. 

Again, where you're compensating is where you have pain.

If you just treat the compensations (which is what traditional chiropractic and surgeries do) you can actually make the body worse.

The body still needs to compensate for the real problem, so the body is made less stable until it can compensate again.

That's how the body falls forward over time, and has to find ways to compensate to keep you upright.

Eventually you run out of ways to compensate, or the compensations become so painful and cause so much damage you think you need surgery.

But when we fix the real problem - those bones out of alignment in a direction the body cannot self-correct - the compensations are no longer needed.

New client sessions are $75.

Continuing sessions are $50 each.

Here are some examples of what a session looks like:

Neck pain and headaches gone in one session
Frozen shoulder

Correct shoulder alignment, improve breathing

Here is what some of my clients have said:

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